Happy Holidays | v

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Happy New Year lovelies! 2014 is the year of Radiant Orchid according to Pantone, it is the Chinese New Year of 'The Horse' and geologically 4.54 billion + one years older! I personally rang in the new year by attending a couple of house parties, seaside fireworks & then I was tuckered up in bed by 12:30. I hope you all had magical evenings and welcomed 2014 in whatever way you chose to celebrate. 
I want to reserve this little space to thank all my visitors to my blog. I have received a marvellous welcome to this blogging community and appreciate your continueal love and support. I plan on growing 'Paperdoll Chronicles' even further beyond the original 'online diary' idea so I thank you for your patience in this gradual transformation. 

2013 was my year of Healing. This process was slow like plate-tectonics and I feel like my equilibrium has returned. I struggle to find the perfect words for 2013 so I shall refer to this lovely quote. 

“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.” 
- Neil Gaimen

See you all in 2014! 
Lots of love


  1. that's a great quote for the new year. 2013 was quite a year for me too though i can't really find words for it either, but hopefully 2014 is even better for both of us. :)

    little henry lee

    1. Thank you, I simply adore Neil Gaimen and thought this quote was quite beautiful! 2013 was a complex year and I think we don't stand alone in saying it was indescribable. I hope you have a safe remaining holiday season darling, and all the best for times ahead, 2014 and beyond

      XO's Paige
