Style Guide | iPhone accessories

Monday, 22 July 2013

society6 wishlist

society6 wishlist by honeyissweeterthanblood 

Deciding on a new phone case has to be one of life's grand perils. My previous case has endured it's fair share of bumps, drops and mysterious adventures lost in my bag. I am happy to support Society6 just as much as Etsy, as sites to encourage creative designers to market & sell their personal stock. These are my top eight finalists for my newest phone accessory, I had to include my favourite colour pink, and internet sensations of turd the grumpy cat & Bill Murray. 

12:00 - Cat monochrome here
1:00 - Bill Murray as Dr Zissou here 
3:00 - Kiwifruit here
5:00 - Stripy here 
6:00 - Daisies here 
8:00 - Grumpy cat here
9:00 -  Flamingo here 
11:00 - Bill Murray here

Ta for reading,

1 comment

  1. the kiwi case is so cute! i don't think i have yet to see a kiwi print phone case until now!

    lindsey louise
