Friday, 23 January 2015
Hello, I would like to say Happy New Year and I hope everyone is having a lovely start to 2k15. Here is the review of MMXIV (2014)
top life events
+Melbourne trip August/Sep new tattoo, good coffee (29/08/14)
+Arctic Monkeys live (06/05/14)
+Universal blessing of finishing tafe, uni, internship in the same week & getting a fancy new job (11/14)
Jan 14 - Sarah Blakso
Feb 4 - Daughter (Support act: vancouver Sleep Clinic)
May 6 - Arctic Monkeys (Support act: Pond)
May 16 - Vance Joy
June 1 - The Paper Kites
June 26 - Chet Faker
July 12 - Lorde
July 24 - City and Colour Solo
July 31 - Ben Howard
Aug 1 - Broods
Aug 21 - Velociraptor
Sep 13 - Andy Bull
Sep 15 - Angus & Julia Stone
Sep 19 - Kingswood
Sep 22 - Boy and Bear
Oct 4 - Yours & Owls Birthday festival (Bootleg Rascal, Dunerats, The Griswolds, Hockey Dad, High-tails, Lyall Moloney, Safia, Sticky Fingers)
Oct 7 - Altj
Nov 27 - San Cisco
Dec 6 - Joe Mungovan
tv shows I binged watched
+Orphan Black
+The Strain
+It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
+Broad City
+Twin Peaks
+Brooklyn 99
+Penny Dreadful
+The Following
+Mindy Project
+Orange Is The New Black
I've got some big plans for MMXV (2015) travelling to Europe for six weeks, which means learning Italian, fancy job applications & of course copious flutes of vino.
Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Grand Budapest Hotel doppelgänger or what?! These pictures were taken on a detour when visiting The Blue Mountains in late July 2014. I spotted the candy pink exterior out my passenger window on the road trip and demanded a u-turn be made to explore the landmark. It is as if the fictional Wes Anderson set came alive before my very eyes.
Inside the absolutely gorgeous Hotel Grand View disclosed interior just sweet and delightful as The Grand Budapest; ruby red tapestry carpets, navy patterned chairs, burgundy stained wooden staircase, cream coloured walls the very likes features on Mendel pastries. Hotel Grand View happens to have vacancy to stay over night, operational restaurant & a function room to host your soirées. I practically weeped out of happiness when I entered the building, here a a few photos taken on our visit.