Greenpatch | Part I
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Here is Part I of Greenpatch travel diaries, for those unfamiliar with the area 'south of Sydney', five hours from the New South Wales capital there is a little slice of paradise called Booderee National Park. It is here that you will find a frame to capture "Australian" iconography (beach, roo's & bush) This first post will feature bush sights of Greenpatch and those in the Jervis Bay area and the second post will highlight the beach.
I spent a few nights in February camping with my sister and grandma close to Bristol Point. We chose to camp at Greenpatch this time of the year because it was a uni break, my employers excused me from my work duties and the weather is a little cooler. Camping is an experience easily forgotten, whether it is my body's mechanism of convincing me that nothing went wrong last time, and camping will be a alternative summertime pastime than to binge watch tv shows. I personally believe it is similar to the memory loss that mother's suffer when recalling childbirth; overall the outcome outweighs the burden of suffering.
List of things I always forget about camping:
+birds are loud
+there is a 99% chance that your air mattress will deflate
+the way the tent becomes a fiery furnace courtesy of the blazing morning sun
+camping food isn't the healthiest diet and won't be featured on a morning tv program anytime soon
+sunburn will sting and one application of sunblock will not make you tanner quicker, just stupider
+the smell of open air campground bathroom facilities
+children cycling by (at all hours) 20cm from your tent/face is the perfect alarm for your contraception
+birds are LOUD
+what people did pre-internet times after the sun sets at 8pm?
+alcohol is okay with/after lunch
+erecting a tent isn't all fun and games
+birds are bastards
My personal highlight reel of this mini-vacay includes chasing possums out of my tent and away from the Cocopops at midnight & the cozy blanket fort vibes. Greenpatch is guaranteed to provide the answer to whatever you are looking for. Whether that might be the answer to someone asking you to join in on a outdoor activity; the vitamin d will do you some good
Saturday, 5 September 2015
Kettle Black |
A: 50 Albert Road, South Melbourne P: (03) 9088 072
If Daenerys Targaryen is the mother of dragons, Kettle Black is the mother of pancakes. This cafe was first on my Melbourne 'to-do' list and it did not disappoint. I will admit Instagram lead me to this cafe, however not even the most photogenic filter can capture it's chic hybrid atmosphere of resort spa meets contemporary cafe.
Kettle Black diners are welcomed by a heritage terrence house exterior yet the modern design interior is 'contemporary industrial chic'. Subway tiling, clean lines, circle patterns, white marble and gold trimmings is everything this architecture and room styling nerd could dream of.
I am more of a savoury gal but I knew from the recommendations that the signature hotcake was the way to go, and boy did I consider ordering seconds. The menu description reads "Hotcakes with house made ricotta, blueberries, maple syrup, double cream & seeds." They were especially delectable in both the flavours and presentation.
In terms of service we expected less wait on a mid-morning weekday and were surprised by the amount of diners. We were seated outside at the entrance and politely given a estimated wait for a table that was close to a coffee trolley. Our coffee was pretty dismal, it arrived and both our drinks were starting to cool, however waitstaff were polite and friendly. We were unimpressed with waiting, but what can you do? Despite the waiting, Kettle Black provided a beautiful sensory dining experience. I occasionally joke that I would drive ten hours to have this breakfast again. But sometimes I wonder if this is a serious statement.
In terms of service we expected less wait on a mid-morning weekday and were surprised by the amount of diners. We were seated outside at the entrance and politely given a estimated wait for a table that was close to a coffee trolley. Our coffee was pretty dismal, it arrived and both our drinks were starting to cool, however waitstaff were polite and friendly. We were unimpressed with waiting, but what can you do? Despite the waiting, Kettle Black provided a beautiful sensory dining experience. I occasionally joke that I would drive ten hours to have this breakfast again. But sometimes I wonder if this is a serious statement.
Monday - Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday & Sunday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Surprise this blog post is l o n g overdue but here it is; my trip to Melbourne! For me, returning home from a holiday calls for a reflection on the past traveling experiences and maybe planning the next adventure. No better way than to throwback to this time last year when I had taken a short 2 hour domestic flight from Sydney down to Victoria for a tattoo booking and was accompanied by my close friend and sister. Melbourne is a beautiful city this being my third trip in two years, I was familiar with the city but we had a long list of things to return to and visit for the first time.
We spent four nights and five days at a beautiful AirBnB apartment located in the suburb of Fitzroy. I can't recommend this place enough! The friendliest host whom had great recommendations and had styled this studio apartment like it was out of a interior magazine I would read. I will try to keep this post short and simply list the favourites from this trip. Now keep in mind we aren't huge clothes shoppers and believe money is better spent on food.
/ / Favourite sights \ \
+ Gallery of Victoria
+ State Library of Victoria Le Mis exhibit
+ Rose Lane Markets
+ Dreamworks animation exhibit
+ Hoizer Lane
+ picnic with goodies from Queen Victoria Markets
/ / Favourite Eateries \ \
+ Breakfast Thieves
+ Pellegrinis Espresso Bar
+ Industry Beans
+ Vegie Bar
+ Yong Green food
+ Lord of the Fries
+ Kettle Black
+Italian on Lygon street
Friday, 23 January 2015
Hello, I would like to say Happy New Year and I hope everyone is having a lovely start to 2k15. Here is the review of MMXIV (2014)
top life events
+Melbourne trip August/Sep new tattoo, good coffee (29/08/14)
+Arctic Monkeys live (06/05/14)
+Universal blessing of finishing tafe, uni, internship in the same week & getting a fancy new job (11/14)
Jan 14 - Sarah Blakso
Feb 4 - Daughter (Support act: vancouver Sleep Clinic)
May 6 - Arctic Monkeys (Support act: Pond)
May 16 - Vance Joy
June 1 - The Paper Kites
June 26 - Chet Faker
July 12 - Lorde
July 24 - City and Colour Solo
July 31 - Ben Howard
Aug 1 - Broods
Aug 21 - Velociraptor
Sep 13 - Andy Bull
Sep 15 - Angus & Julia Stone
Sep 19 - Kingswood
Sep 22 - Boy and Bear
Oct 4 - Yours & Owls Birthday festival (Bootleg Rascal, Dunerats, The Griswolds, Hockey Dad, High-tails, Lyall Moloney, Safia, Sticky Fingers)
Oct 7 - Altj
Nov 27 - San Cisco
Dec 6 - Joe Mungovan
tv shows I binged watched
+Orphan Black
+The Strain
+It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
+Broad City
+Twin Peaks
+Brooklyn 99
+Penny Dreadful
+The Following
+Mindy Project
+Orange Is The New Black
I've got some big plans for MMXV (2015) travelling to Europe for six weeks, which means learning Italian, fancy job applications & of course copious flutes of vino.
Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Grand Budapest Hotel doppelgänger or what?! These pictures were taken on a detour when visiting The Blue Mountains in late July 2014. I spotted the candy pink exterior out my passenger window on the road trip and demanded a u-turn be made to explore the landmark. It is as if the fictional Wes Anderson set came alive before my very eyes.
Inside the absolutely gorgeous Hotel Grand View disclosed interior just sweet and delightful as The Grand Budapest; ruby red tapestry carpets, navy patterned chairs, burgundy stained wooden staircase, cream coloured walls the very likes features on Mendel pastries. Hotel Grand View happens to have vacancy to stay over night, operational restaurant & a function room to host your soirées. I practically weeped out of happiness when I entered the building, here a a few photos taken on our visit.
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Summer has got me feeling how much I wish to be child again. Okay to eat ice blocks for dinner, okay to have an afternoon nap, okay to be scarred at the arrival of loud storms, okay to unemployed and the luxury of zero responsibilities. The photo above shows my much loved childhood porcelain figurines, a collection that has grown with my current twenty-something-year-old-adult/nana hobby.
For those new to this spectator sport where I pretend to be a blogger, and you sometimes observe my attempts; I usually upload regular 'Just A Minute' monthly posts describing personal life events, recent reads, music I'm listening too and screen time highlights (films or tv series). These posts have been a constant but not recently, and this is a representation on how little time I have had this half of the year. However I always make time for music, so I created my first season mixtape for spring '14 and here is another for summer 14/15. I pinky promise each of you that regular posts will start happening after the christmas mayhem.
1. Bon Iver Re-stacks 2. James Vincent West Coast 3. Conor O'Brien Mysteries of Love 4. #1 Dads So Soldier (feat. Ainslie Wills) 5. The Paper Kites Featherstone 6. Glass Animals Gooey 7. Airling Wasted Pilots 8. Zero 7 In The Waiting Line 9. Sarah Blasko God Fearing 10. Seabear I Sing I Swim |